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Title: How does the car manufacture date differ from the model year on a Jeep Grand Cherokee
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Alright guys, I’ve got a question that’s been bugging me since I got my Jeep. So I bought what I thought was a 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee, but when I looked closely at the paperwork, I noticed the manufacture date was late 2021. What’s the deal with that? Is this a normal thing? Does the manufacture date really matter that much, or is the model year all I should be concerned about?

I’m not sure if this affects things like warranties or parts compatibility, so I’m a bit paranoid about it. If my Jeep was built in 2021 but sold as a 2022, does that mean there are any differences in terms of technology or features that I should know about? Anyone else had a similar experience, and did it cause any issues down the road? Help me figure this out because I’m genuinely confused.

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