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Title: What Causes a Rotten Egg Smell in My Jeep Grand Cherokee When Accelerating?
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Hey Jeep fam! So, I’ve been noticing this nasty rotten egg smell when I hit the gas in my Grand Cherokee, and after doing some digging, I found that it’s usually related to the catalytic converter or the fuel mixture. The catalytic converter might be clogged or starting to fail, especially if it can’t break down sulfur properly, which gives off that eggy smell. You might also notice a drop in performance or sluggish acceleration if this is the case. Sometimes, the issue is that the fuel system is running too rich, meaning there's too much fuel and not enough air in the engine, which overloads the converter and causes the same smell.

If you’re experiencing something similar, it’s worth checking for warning lights, especially if your check engine light is on. The smell plus bad gas mileage or black smoke from the exhaust can signal that it’s time to look at the converter or get your fuel system checked out. I had the same issue and ended up replacing the converter, which fixed both the smell and the performance problems. Trust me, it’s better to deal with it early before it causes bigger issues with your engine!

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