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Title: What’s the best car wax for white Jeep Grand Cherokees?
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Hey y’all, I’ve got a 2018 white Grand Cherokee, and I want to keep it looking shiny. I’ve been using Meguiar's Gold Class Carnauba Plus for a while, and while it’s good, I feel like it doesn’t really pop on white paint like it should. It worked great on my old silver car, but with white, I feel like the shine fades too fast.

I’ve also tried Turtle Wax Ice Spray Wax, which was super easy to apply, but I’m not sure if it’s strong enough for long-term protection. I’ve heard some waxes are better suited for lighter colors, especially white, but I’m not sure which one to go with next.

Any recommendations from other white Jeep Grand Cherokee owners? What do you use to get that deep, glossy finish that lasts? I’d appreciate any tips or product suggestions! Thanks in advance!

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