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Title: What does it mean when the cruise control light is flashing on a Jeep Grand Cherokee?
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So, I’ve got a 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee with the 3.6L V6 engine, and lately, I’ve been having this weird issue with the cruise control. Whenever I turn it on, instead of just staying solid like it usually does, the cruise control light starts flashing. It’s never done this before, and now I’m wondering if something’s wrong with the system. The cruise control itself doesn’t seem to work when this happens, which is super frustrating because I rely on it a lot for highway driving.

At first, I thought maybe it was just a software glitch, but now I’m not so sure. I’ve heard that a flashing cruise control light could mean something’s up with the brake switch or even the ABS system. Has anyone else dealt with this? Should I be checking fuses or sensors, or is this going to turn into a trip to the dealer?

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