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Title: What tuning options are available for Jeep Grand Cherokee?
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Hey Jeep fam! So, I’ve been thinking about tuning my 2018 Grand Cherokee with the 3.6L V6 (though I'd love to hear from anyone with a 5.7L HEMI or 6.4L SRT too). I’ve read that a performance tune can really wake up the engine, improve throttle response, and even boost MPG a little. But here’s my question: is a tune really worth it if I haven’t added other mods like exhaust or intake upgrades yet? I don’t want to throw money at a tune and not feel much difference.

Anyone here done it? If so, what kind of gains did you see? I’ve heard some people say the V6 gets around 10-15 HP from a tune alone, but I’d love to see some actual dyno results if anyone’s got them. And if you’ve got a HEMI or SRT, how much crazier do the gains get? Trying to decide if I should go all-in with other mods or if a tune alone will do the trick for now. Thanks in advance for any advice or recommendations!

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